calcium test gujrat

Calcium (Serum)

What is a Calcium Test?The calcium level in your blood is determined via a calcium blood test. Too much or too little calcium in the blood could be an indication of a variety of illnesses, including kidney disease, thyroid disease, parathyroid abnormalities, bone disease, and other illnesses One of the most vital nutrients in your…


Also called break bone fever, dengue fever is a painful flu-like illness. Dengue fever is caused by a family of viruses and spread through Aedes mosquitoes. It is a severe mosquito borne infection that usually starts with basic symptoms like fever, headache and body pain. The disease can only be spread when bitten by the…


What Is A Thyroxine Test?A T4 test is a blood test that diagnoses thyroid problems. The thyroid is a small gland at the base of your throat that looks like a butterfly. Hormones made by your thyroid control how your body uses energy. Your weight, heart rate, body temperature, muscle strength, and even your mood…